Illuminated bridge at night

Public Art Guidance

Recognising that public art contributes to placemaking

FrancisKnight were commissioned by Maidstone Borough Council to write a Public Realm Design Guide for Maidstone town centre and a Public Art Policy for the borough.  Both documents have been adopted by the Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee and have been produced for developers, contractors, stakeholders and council officers.   

The Design Guide sets out the council’s intention to create a cohesive town centre with an integrated approach to achieving high quality public realm.  It focuses on connectivity as well as advocating that embedded public art is a key strategy in highlighting local distinctiveness.  

Through the Public Art Policy, Maidstone Borough Council recognises that public art can contribute to, emphasis and enhance Maidstone’ s unique heritage, cultural and natural assets.  

FrancisKnight have continued to work with the Regeneration and Planning Teams at Maidstone to develop Public Art Guidance as a material consideration. This document was adopted by the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transport Committee in November 2017 following consultation with Councillors, Maidstone Developers Group, the Town Centre Strategic Board and One Maidstone. The Public Art Guidance applies to all new developments (that sit within the thresholds for Public Art commissioning) and came into effect from January 2018. 

Public Art Guidance

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