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May You Live In Interesting Times

May You Live In Interesting Times

It’s business as usual for FrancisKnight and we’re glad to have clients with the same attitude.

Published date: 20 March 2020

As a creative business we have learnt to bend and flex over the years and we will continue to do so. The arts, we are sure, will be a source of comfort, activity and inspiration over the coming months. Looking back to last year’s Venice Biennale, how apt was the title ‘May You Live In Interesting Times’? We visited in October 2019 and whilst we shared a few images on Instagram and tagged some of our lovely artists we didn’t get the chance to properly look at and share our own photos.

Whilst the Coronvirus has and continues to have a devastating effect on Italy it has been interesting to see the photos come out of Venice of the canals getting cleaner and wildlife returning.

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